OpenPlant PID Help

Generic Annotations

Displays a dialog with a list of generic annotation options available for placement.

Accessed when you select the Generic option from the Annotation Gallery.

The Generic Annotations dialog contains all of the defined custom annotation options for equipment and pipelines which include typical line type annotation strings and box type annotation which uses annotation tag sets displayed in a labeled box (shown in the figure below.) When you select an annotation type, a preview of the annotation style displays in the Preview pane.

To place, select an Annotation Type from the list and click Place. The annotation string (or box) is attached to the cursor ready for placement. If placing an annotation string, as you pass over a component, the string will dynamically display the annotation properties of that component. For the Box Annotation types, you must snap to a component for the annotation properties to be recognized. The properties will display when you select the placement point for the box.

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